Experience of a Lifetime

In May 2008, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of fellow language students on a UAB faculty-led study abroad trip to the city of Jaén in the province of Jaén, Spain.

While there, I had the opportunity to live with a host family and take classes at the Universidad de Jaén.

During our stay, we also had the opportunity to visit Cazorla, Granada, and Madrid. It was a truly enriching experience that has both shaped and enhanced my language skills and understanding of the Spanish culture.

This blog is an account of my experiences in Spain and is in no way affiliated with nor a representation of the experiences, thoughts, or opinions of the UAB Study Away office.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Oh How I've Forgotten...

that packing makes me tired!!

I am getting tired this evening, but I know it is a most necessary evil. I am packing up to make an adventure to the beautiful olive country of Spain! :) I am very excited for I leave in about 19 hours.I hope to post frequently while gone... but I am not taking my laptop. I plan to use internet when available. So, keep a check, and surely you can find out how things are going!

I cannot wait for everything this trip brings... I am praying even tonight that God will use everything for His glory!! :) Yay!!

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