Experience of a Lifetime

In May 2008, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of fellow language students on a UAB faculty-led study abroad trip to the city of Jaén in the province of Jaén, Spain.

While there, I had the opportunity to live with a host family and take classes at the Universidad de Jaén.

During our stay, we also had the opportunity to visit Cazorla, Granada, and Madrid. It was a truly enriching experience that has both shaped and enhanced my language skills and understanding of the Spanish culture.

This blog is an account of my experiences in Spain and is in no way affiliated with nor a representation of the experiences, thoughts, or opinions of the UAB Study Away office.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Estoy Muy Cansada (I am very tired)...

Where to begin? I guess I could start by saying that I am safely here in Jaén, Spain. It has been a long day!! We had our first flight to NJ last night and then had a six-hour something flight to Madrid, Spain. We landed this morning and loaded a bus that drove us several hours here. We arrived at the University of Jaén to find all of the host families waiting for us. I am staying with a 24 year-old girl and her parents. She is in school studying English... interesting, huh? :) Our bus stopped for lunch at this little restaurant in the middle of nowhere. I had a ham and cheese sandwich. It was good but different. The bread was very toasty and crunchy. The ham was more like bacon (because it had the strips of fat) and was sliced into very thin pieces. I think it was cured ham. Anyways, it is just now 9:00 pm on May 7th (I think) and we will be having dinner soon. It is strange to be so ¨late¨ and yet it is still not dark. For dinner we are having salad and Spanish tortilla, which is like a big hashbrown cooked in a skillet like cornbread.

I am very tired this evening. I have pretty much done nothing but drift in and out of sleep all day. I slept well on the plane last night, but I still have rest to catch up on. I am praying for help, patience, and understanding because I feel so alone and out of place here. I know this is a time of learning and growth... I just feel like I don't know anything. My brain is so very foggy. I need sleep and time to understand what is happening. I am honestly a little overwhelmed and scared at the moment.

Our classes begin tomorrow. I think we have a meeting at 9:00 am to find our classes, meet people, etc. I guess we will see how it goes!!

This is all very interesting thus far but indeed different. Please pray for me to continue my acclimation. It is a tiny bit scary to know that I am going to have to take the bus and remember where to go by myself. Pray that things will work out each day. Right now my brain isn´t functioning at it´s best. I hope after tonight´s rest, it will be much better!! Until later!!

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