Experience of a Lifetime

In May 2008, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of fellow language students on a UAB faculty-led study abroad trip to the city of Jaén in the province of Jaén, Spain.

While there, I had the opportunity to live with a host family and take classes at the Universidad de Jaén.

During our stay, we also had the opportunity to visit Cazorla, Granada, and Madrid. It was a truly enriching experience that has both shaped and enhanced my language skills and understanding of the Spanish culture.

This blog is an account of my experiences in Spain and is in no way affiliated with nor a representation of the experiences, thoughts, or opinions of the UAB Study Away office.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Rain in Spain...

has not stayed mainly in the plains!! It has been here in the hills of Jaen yesterday and today. It is very unusual, I think, for it to rain here. The temperature has been cooler. Yesterday was a long day. I am still adjusting to nights being afternoons at home and morning being just after midnight at home. I am not sleeping soundly, but I think it is because my sleep time is so different. My host family is treating me well. I have good food - too much if I have to say so myself - from everyone here. I will not go hungry!! Though I would prefer to have less food at times. The first night I had internet at the house, but it is now broken, so I will have to use the library until something changes. It is around 1:30 pm here and I know it is just early morning at home. I am trying to answer emails from people... there is just so much!! Bear with me!! :)

Classes officially begin on Monday. I have one before lunch and one after lunch. They have been giving us all kinds of things. We got a Spanish grammar book and a real Spanish dictionary. They gave us a bag of things from the University and an umbrella this morning. We are going to tour the Cathedral here in town tonight. I look forward to getting some good pictures.

I live so far away from campus. Yesterday I rode the bus back with a boy who is on the trip with us that is staying near me. This morning I rode it to campus by myself, but I had no trouble finding what I needed to. It is just different. I am adjusting. It is a little difficult, but nothing is too bad.

I will give an update when classes and a normal schedule begins. Until then, all at home, know that I miss and love you!! I will keep you updated as I have the opportunity!! Hasta luego (see you later)!!!

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