Experience of a Lifetime

In May 2008, I had the opportunity to travel with a group of fellow language students on a UAB faculty-led study abroad trip to the city of Jaén in the province of Jaén, Spain.

While there, I had the opportunity to live with a host family and take classes at the Universidad de Jaén.

During our stay, we also had the opportunity to visit Cazorla, Granada, and Madrid. It was a truly enriching experience that has both shaped and enhanced my language skills and understanding of the Spanish culture.

This blog is an account of my experiences in Spain and is in no way affiliated with nor a representation of the experiences, thoughts, or opinions of the UAB Study Away office.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


OH what a long day. I am quite tired. I got up around 7:00 am because we were leaving for Cazorla at 8:00am. I met Charli by the Caedral after 7:30 am. We drove the 2-ish hours to Cazorla.
It was cold, rainy, and foggy when we first arrived... however, it cleared up after a while.

We went through the town and toured an old museum/castle there.

After having coffee and a tour, we loaded the bus to drive for lunch. It was about an hour away. We were going into the Parque Natural (Natural Park).

It was honestly a bus ride unlike any other. It was quite terrible. We probably didn't go much more than 30 seconds for the total hour and a half bus ride without going around a curve. It was wretched. We stopped for lunch & as the second course, had some type of deer animal meat. A piece of mine still had the bristle hair in it. We left lunch and drove more to hike for a few minutes. We got to see some beautiful views and take some good pictures. We made the awful bus ride out. I fell asleep on the way out and woke up to rain on the way back to Jaén. It hailed on us... I learned the word for hail: graniza... when it is hailing: está granizando... and also for when it is foggy: Hay niebla.

I am still a little nauseous, but I am out for the night... I must rise early!!


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